A Memoir of the Portland Uprising


 5.0 out of 5 stars Authentic and Important

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 9, 2024

5.0 out of 5 stars Solid, well written read

Reviewed in the US on December 3, 2023

 5.0 out of 5 stars A very important book

Reviewed in the US on November 13, 2023



On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Donald Trump's historic election as the first fascist president of the United States stunned the nation. Overnight the word antifa, which stands for antifascist, became synonymous with revolutionary. Many misunderstood the black-clad activists, including Fox News and the right wing.

What is the Antifa movement? Are they real or just bogeymen created by the conservative media to keep people in line? Do they have violent tendencies? 

This book from debut author Luis-Enrique Marquez, reveals a world most people will never know. Luis-Enrique is an anti-fascist activist who has been spotlighted in various news documentaries including Punching Nazis, Exposing Fascists and the Antifa Philosophy: Fringe Nation, by Vice News; and Battleground: Proud Boys and Antifa for the BBC. He has also been featured in stories by CNN, BBC, Sky News and other local media outlets.

A mix of news articles, personal photographs, and his firsthand narrative tells the story of how he and his fellow activists opposed the violent racist, homophobic, mostly white people who flocked to Trump's standard.

Readers will witness the joy the riot police experience when they use violence, as well as how they manipulate vulnerable members of the community into cooperating and giving them information. Also, readers get a sense of what it was like to contribute to the rise of Portland Occupy ICE and how antifascist activism evolved during this period.

There have been many books written about antifascism, but none from such a personal perspective.



Luis Enrique Marquez is a writer, activist and comedian who live is Portland, Oregon. Luis has been spotlighted in various news documentaries including Punching Nazis, Exposing Fascists and the Antifa Philosophy: Fringe Nation, by Vice News; and Battleground: Proud Boys and Antifa for the BBC. He has also been featured in stories by CNN, BBC, Sky News and other local media outlets. He is a father of three children and a loving friend to many.